Life besides water

Life besides water

Gujo Hachiman, life besides water

In Gujo Hachiman, the wisdom of living that makes the best use of nature has been developed. Water drawn from the river flows into the irrigation water and finally returns to the river to moisturize the entire town. Water and springs from the mountains are drawn to water boats if you live on slopes. Wells are dug and groundwater is used on flatland. The traditional waterside lifestyle exists from the days when there was no water and sewage up till the current days.

Dam plate

Dam plates refer to wooden boards used to dam the water in waterways. They are often found in waterways in the old town areas, Yanagicho, Shokuninmachi and Kajiyamachi. If you insert a dam plate into the waterway, the water level will rise temporarily making it easier to use. It is used for washing, watering flowers, and also for fire extinguishing. You can see people change the flow of water and draw water into their house too.


Washing place

Draining water from a waterway is called “Washing place” and from the river is called “Kawado”. It was used to wash clothes in the past, but now it is used for rinsing and washing vegetables. It also serves as a social occasion for local people to gather and chat.


Fire prevention buckets

Houses in Gujo Hachiman are densely packed together have been hit by two big fires in the past. People are still conscious of fire protection, so you can see fire buckets hanging under the roof of the house. Bucket’s design differs from town to town, such as Shokuninmachi, Kajiyamachi and Yanagicho, is also amazing.
