
Terms of Use

Gujo Tourism Federation Official Website TABITABI Gujo (hereinafter “the site”) is operated by Gujo Tourism Federation (hereinafter “we”). Please be aware of the following items when using this site.

About link

You are free to link to this site. However, please read and follow “Attentions” and “Prohibitions” below.


Link format: The URL should be placed as https://tabitabigujo.com/. When you establish such a link, please inform us.
Please note that content and URL may be changed or deleted without notice. We do not hold any responsibilities for any damage caused by links from the site.


(1) Links from the following types of websites are prohibited. Please delete immediately when request is sent

  • Sites containing material prejudicial to public morals
  • Sites containing material that is or could be slanderous or injurious to the reputation of JNTO or its affiliated organizations
  • Sites containing material that is or could be damaging to the financial assets, reputation, personal rights or privacy of others
  • Sites providing false or misleading information
  • Others that we deem inappropriate

(2) displaying linked pages in a frame is prohibited.


Although we have posted information on this site with care, we cannot guarantee in any way the completeness, accuracy, quality of being new, usability, safety, details or quality.

Please note that we cannot accept any responsibility in the case the user makes any decisions or takes any action based on information posted on this site.

All the information on this site is current at the time of posting. After posting, there may be cases when amendments are made to names and content without prior notice, and as time passes, when the information differs from the actual situation.

The address of this site, including the top page, is subject to change without notice. Please note that the bureau does not accept any responsibility for any issues arising from links broken due to a website address change, or problems regarding display.

About copyright

As a rule, the various rights to all files including text, images, videos, illustration, music, sound and others on the site (hereinafter “the content”) contents are held by us or by the original creator. Except for cases which are recognized by the Copyright Act, such as reproduction for private use and quotation, the content on the site cannot be copied, sent, modified, sold or rent without permission.

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