You can find 8 roadside stations, service areas (SA), and parking areas (PA) in Gujo-shi. There are parks, hot springs, museums and hotels next to each other. Some of them are having morning markets. There are restaurants where you can enjoy menus using local ingredients. Some of the souvenirs can only be bought here. Let us take a break from a drive while seeing the magnificent mountain view and beautiful river. Enjoy local cuisine and go shopping local vegetables, products, and souvenirs. Why don’t you stop by these road stations, SA, PA?
Yamato Area
Roadside Station Kokindenju-no-sato Yamato
Yamato Area
Gifu Yamayo PA
Shirotori Area
Roadside Station Seiryu-no-sato Shirotori
Shirotori Area
Roadside Station Hakusan-bunka-no-sato Nagataki
Shirotori Area
Roadside Station Shirao Fureai Park
Takasu Area
Roadside Station Dainichigake
Takasu Area
Hirugano-kogen SA
Minami Area
Roadside Station Minami
Minami Area
Fukubegatake PA
Meiho Area
Roadside Station Meiho Surusumi-no-sato koen
Wara Area
Roadside Wara
Yamato Area
Shirotori Area
Shirotori Area
Roadside Station
Seiryu-no-sato Shirotori -
Shirotori Area
Roadside Station
Hakusan-bunka-no-sato Nagataki -
Shirotori Area
Roadside Station
Shirao Fureai Park
Takasu Area
Minami Area
Meiho Area
Wara Area