Wara HotaruMAP

Wara HotaruMAP

Wara Hotaru Map

ホタルのイラストHime Botaru observation spot

Best time to see : Early to mid-July from 22:00 to 23:00

Hime Botaru observation spot

和良ピンSee Google Map

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ホタルのイラスト Genji Botaru observation spot

Best time to see : mid-June to early July from 20:00 to 21:00

Genji Botaru observation spot1

和良ピンSee Google Map

Download Wara Hotaru Map

Genji Botaru observation spot1
Genji Botaru observation spot2

和良ピンSee Google Map

Download Wara Hotaru Map

Request from Neko chief editor & Hazako
Request from Neko chief editor & Hazako

Request from Neko chief editor & Hazako

Minimum manner
to protect lightning bugs

Request from Neko chief editor & Hazako

Hotaru has a lifespan of about 1 to 2 weeks after becoming an adult. They must lay eggs during the last two weeks. Hotaru glows as a sign for distinguishing friends and courting. When males finish mating and females finish spawning, their short life ends. Therefore, we have some requests to protect them.

Please do not collect Hotaru.

Please do not collect Hotaru.

Please do not directly enter the area where Hotaru is flying.

Please do not directly enter the area where Hotaru is flying.

Please do not illuminate Hotaru or use a strobe light or flashlight.

Please do not illuminate Hotaru or use a strobe light or flashlight.

Please do not make loud voices or sounds near the observation spot.

Please do not make loud voices or sounds near the observation spot.

Please do not drive into the Hotaru observation spot.

Please do not drive into the Hotaru observation spot.

Please do not collect Hotaru.

Please do not collect Hotaru.

Please do not directly enter the area where Hotaru is flying.

Please do not directly enter the area where Hotaru is flying.

Please do not illuminate Hotaru or use a strobe light or flashlight.

Please do not illuminate Hotaru or use a strobe light or flashlight.

Please do not make loud voices or sounds near the observation spot.

Please do not make loud voices or sounds near the observation spot.

Please do not drive into the Hotaru observation spot.

Please do not drive into the Hotaru observation spot.

・ Please wear long sleeves and long pants to prevent insects and leeches.

・ Temperature may be lower at night along the river in the mountains, so it is recommended to wear a jacket to also prevent insect bites.