Jomon Cave and Gujo Hachiman Miyama Limestone Cave

Jomon Cave and Gujo Hachiman Miyama Limestone Cave


Try Cave Exploration atMiyama Limestone Cave

Natural Monument of Gujo-shi
3D maze type limestone cave “Miyama Limestone Cave”

Miyama Limestone Cave is a vertical hole type limestone cave that is rare in the world. You can see the beauty of art over 250 million years. According to the survey so far, one of the major characteristics is a 3D maze with halls and tunnels in 6 layers in a range of 80m in depth, 160m in width from east and west, and 130m from north and south. Fossils such as Naumann elephants and spatula deer, which never found in Japan, have also been found near this cave. With the total length of over 2km, about 800m is open for visitors. Visitors can enjoy the paths and shapes created by nature without any modification during development.

You can see the stratum and texture created at various times. You can enjoy seeing them as you go along the route.
The beauty of formation created by melting limestone from the bottom to the top of the groundwater makes you feel the warmth.

According to the shape of stalactites, romantic names such as “Kibou-no-kame (Turtle of hope)”, “Yume-no-chandelier (Dreamy chandelier)”, and “Gakkuden (Moon palace)” are given. It is also fun to explore while imaging their stories.

Miyama Limestone Cave Miyama Limestone Cave Miyama Limestone Cave
Miyama Limestone Cave Miyama Limestone Cave
Miyama Limestone Cave

Miyama Limestone Cave is a vertical hole type limestone cave that is rare in the world. You can see the beauty of art over 250 million years. According to the survey so far, one of the major characteristics is a 3D maze with halls and tunnels in 6 layers in a range of 80m in depth, 160m in width from east and west, and 130m from north and south. Fossils such as Naumann elephants and spatula deer, which never found in Japan, have also been found near this cave. With the total length of over 2km, about 800m is open for visitors. Visitors can enjoy the paths and shapes created by nature without any modification during development.


You can see the stratum and texture created at various times. You can enjoy seeing them as you go along the route. The beauty of formation created by melting limestone from the bottom to the top of the groundwater makes you feel the warmth.

You need to climb up and down the stairs inside the cave. As the exit is at the top, when you step outside, you can see the beautiful sceneries of the mountains. A wide path inside the cave makes it hard to believe that it was built naturally. It is also very easy to walk. However, wheelchairs and strollers cannot be used because there are many stairs in this 3D maze limestone cave. We recommend you wear comfortable shoes, like sneakers.

Other than general sightseeing caves, there is also a famous cave where you can try “Caving” to explore underground lakes and undeveloped caves. Visitors can only rely on your headlight, wear a special suit, crab walk in narrow places, climb vertical holes and explore this mysterious world created at the Earth over the years. You can choose from several courses to easy course that elementary school students can also participate in, according to your fitness. Do not need to worry because you will go with a tour guide (Reservation required).


Lock your Lover’s key and ring the bell of happiness
at the sanctuary of lovers

If you are travelling with your partner, when you leave the limestone cave, you can find an observatory. This is a spot selected to be one of the “Most romantic spot for a proposal” as a “Sacred place for lovers” (in August 2014, it was certified second in Gifu-ken by NPO Regional Revitalization Support Center).

There are “Bell of Happiness” and “Echo Spot” wishing to make the future brighter and happier. Since ancient times, “Yamabiko”, who makes echoes in mountains and valleys, has been regarded as the work of fairies and is also called “Kodama”. Let’s scream loudly toward the mountains with your heart. It will reach the fairies and will surely grant your wishes. There is also a “Fence of vow” connecting Lover’s key. As the legend says, write the name of your lover and message and lock it on, the two of you will be tied together. So, you can try writing down your name and message and lock it on “Fence of Vow” on the observatory. I am sure you will be united and have a happy future.
* Lover’s keys are sold at souvenir shops.