the home of Waka by the To Family

the home of Waka by the To Family

Feel the Songs with Your Five Sense
and See the Scenery with History at Gujo Yamato

Yamato area of ​​Gujo-shi is a Waka village called Kokindenju-no-sato. Lord To, ruled Gujo for about 320 years from Kamakura era (1185 – 1333) to Muromachi era (1336 – 1573). The To family showed excellent talent in Waka. Especially the 9th generation Lord To Tsuneyori was known as the forefather of Kokindenju. Shinowaki Castle which was the base of Lord To at that time and Kokindenju-no-sato Field Museum combined as an outdoor museum with the theme of Waka (Japanese poems). It is located in a quiet mountain area just off National Highway 156. There is an exhibition hall, Waka Literature Hall that introduces the history of Waka from ancient times to the present day, Toshi Memorial Hall that displays ancient and modern traditions and historical materials of Lord To, and Toshi-yakataato-teien is designated to be one of the National Scenic Beauty. In addition, the scenery of the mountains with changing colors, and rich natural environment where you can observe precious plants, birds and small animals, and wild plants are also attractive. Why don’t you enjoy a stroll through the museum while knowing about the world of Waka.