Café Dan
You can hear the flow of the river and the chirping of birds, surrounded by greenery... With the light of the burning fireplace, it is a hidden cafe where you can spend a relaxing time.
Basic Information
- Address
- 501-5112 Shirotori-cho, Gujo-shiRokunori 1088-1
View Google
- Telephone Number
- 0575-84-1408
- Opening hours
- Fri - Mon09:00 - 12:00
Tue & Wed 09:00 - 16:00
- Regular holiday
- Thursday
- Official Web site
Facility service
■Not support
For those with small children
- Nursing room
- Diaper changing table
- kids space
Barrier-free service
- Wheelchair-accessible toilets
- Ramp/elevator installed
- omoiyari parking lot
For those with pets
- Pets allowed
- Space for pets available
- Can be accompanied by a carry-on bag
Services for International Visitors
Foreign language menus
(English / Simplified Chinese / Chinese / Korean) -
Foreign language customer service
( English /Chinese / Cantonese /Korean ) -
Ingredient details in foreign language
( English /Simplified Chinese / Chinese /Korean )
Cashless support
- Credit card
( VISA / MASTER / JCB / AMEX / Diners / Union Pay ) - Electronic payment
We started Kamado lunch!
Main dish of lunch set is Rokunori's delicious rice. Rice is cooked in front of you and you can enjoy it freshly cooked. Rice is accompanied by a platter of fish grown in the clear stream of Shirao, soup with plenty of vegetables, steamed egg bowl, and pickles. Sets are provided on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in limited quantities. Please come to try it.

Neko chief editor