Guest House Miroku
Hotel Miroku welcomes visitors to come alone or with family. In addition, Yoshidagawa River is located nearby and it is comfortable to take a walk in the morning and evening.
Basic Information
- Address
- 501-4222 Hachiman-cho, Gujo-shiShimadani 1122
View Google
- Access
- Gujo Hachiman Interchange3 minutes
- Parking lots
- Available (Ordinary cars 3 lots )
- Telephone Number
- 0575-67-0520
- Opening hours
- Checkin 15:00, Checkout 10:00
Close on Year end and New year holiday
- Regular holiday
- Irregular holiday
- Official Web site
- Remarks
- Number of rooms : Japanese rooms 3 rooms (3 rooms with Japanese partitions) Total number of guest : 10 people Remarks : Guest rooms are on 2F, bathrooms, toilet and washrooms are on 1F
Facility service
■Not support
For those with small children
- Nursing room
- Diaper changing table
- kids space
Barrier-free service
- Wheelchair-accessible toilets
- Ramp/elevator installed
- omoiyari parking lot
For those with pets
- Pets allowed
- Space for pets available
- Can be accompanied by a carry-on bag
Services for International Visitors
Foreign language menus
(English / Simplified Chinese / Chinese / Korean) -
Foreign language customer service
( English /Chinese / Cantonese /Korean ) -
Ingredient details in foreign language
( English /Simplified Chinese / Chinese /Korean )
Cashless support
- Credit card
( VISA / MASTER / JCB / AMEX / Diners / Union Pay ) - Electronic payment
Located in the town with good accessibility to Gujo Odori dance stage. The nearest to the overnight dance stage.

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